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My Womb, My Mother Earth art project
Back to mother womb
Installation art 

2015/07/18 - 2015/08/23,Bamboo Curtain Studio,Taisui,Taiwan

For a long time, we have put our attention to the topics that are related to women, female bodies and the relationship to the mother earth. In the beginning of 2014 we started a project called “ My Womb, My Mother Earth – Uterus Painting”.

For nearly a year, we have hosted 10 Uterus Painting workshops in Taiwan, Hong Kong, northern Thailand border, Nepal, South India and other places, thus collected all kinds of stories about people’s experiences in life. There are feelings of sorrow, pain, joy, strength and balance. 

Based on these stories, it has constructed the conceptual idea of this exhibition. We would like to weave through our hands to connect between you and me, to connect woman and her body, to connect woman and the earth, to connect woman and man, and to connect woman and woman. 

In this July, 120 of the uterus paintings, 3 pieces of metalwork jewelry and collective group creations will be presented in the exhibition, and it will start with a large installation textile to display each unique uterus paintings.

The curatorial group has started in May 2015, and we look forward to the experimental way of presenting in this exhibition.


My Womb, My Mother Earth art project
Second Series| Twin snakes rebirth
natural Installation art

2015/10/31 - 2015/11/30,Tamsui Customs Wharf Historical Museum

We have collected over 120 uterus paintings around the world from 5 countries. Each uterus drawing was an unique life experience related to mother womb.


The first series of " My Womb, My Mother Earth Art Project" My team has created this large-scale uterus installation “ taking the viewers back to the mother womb” , In order to encourage women to be aware of her body and be able to relate her body and to connect with the mother earth.


Because the Origin of everything is from the Uterus.


In the second series of “ My Womb, My Mother Earth Exhibition” ,

 we separated from mother womb, and started our life journey.

On the our road, we met life, also death, or we met a transmutation.

We faced life and death every day. The life and death of our cells and the issues of life, then we have to face all this by ourselves.


I want to use the red snake and green snake to represent the process to passing through life and death. They interlaced again and again. This time what we want to investigate more is the changes we go through as an independent person. 


The red snake


A transmutation process. She has varieties of desires and aspects of emotions. She is very intense. On the red snake, no matter her shapes or her practices, actually include factors from many and people’s emotions inside.


The green snake


Rebirth is actually happened after an intense transmutation. It is back to the safe place, and slowly molt its skin. It is weak when the new skin grows. It is actually weak, and it needs to face its weakness and grow its new spouts or skin.





孫佩婷、孫幽雅、周一帆、林亭均、陳韻如、陳婕妤、 王寶漣、 陳怡如、楊孟芬、鄧惠文、徐榮佑、陳怡嫥、 陳思潔、張靖雯、黃宇君、楊雅妃、鄭婷月、何靖媛、 莊孟文、李斯婷、 周秀孟、江怡鳳、蘇有鑫、王譞儀 Naluh、詹琪芬、林子毓、陳麗秀、曾令秀、范靜昀 曾皓輝、陳 瑜、林琳、林念慈、盧有恆、洪 翎、李宛玲、廖芳珍、陳品瑜、Yves Sonolet. 


Long-term operation volunteers




Second Series: Twin snakes rebirth/ Joined artists




Second Series: Twin snakes rebirth/ Operation team


Caroenter/木工  楊承學 | Technical support 技術指導 楊貴中

Photopraphy/ 攝影 陳有德 | Lighting Design 燈光設計 周雅文


Exhibition curator / project initiator / creator


BONTE Handemade Jewelry | Lin Hsiu Ping | 林秀蘋


project initiative organizer


Dhartimara sustainable workshop| Claire Lin | 林念慈








Special thanks to all the volunteers, creators, operation team, and all the uterus painters who joined this art project

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