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☪Uterus drawing project 07| Taipei, Taiwan

Claire Lin

The Uterus Drawing Workshop Taipei session held in an old house of Taipei Walking Tour. We have 9 partners joined this day. Five of them who are from different cities of China, This time they came to Taiwan especially for joining in-depth cultural tours. We shared the story of Dharti Mata Sustainable Workshop in Nepal, discussed about the menstruation education and the eco-pad made of cloth. For our partners from China, it was a very special experience that they didn’t expect to have in Taiwan.

There was one couple created their drawing together, and a joiner from Taiwan memorized her Mother’s love to her while painting. While sharing each other’s uterus painting, the space gradually full of the mood of love and Warmth. By sharing stories, the friendship of Taiwanese joiners and Chinese joiners got closer. After the workshop, joiners left the old house, and took a walk together to adjacent Dadaocheng, Dihua Street….

子宫彩繪工作坊 |台北城市導覽 | 大稻埕| 2014, 10.2



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